Peggy DeLong, a young woman engaged to a wonderful man, is about to begin her doctoral program in psychology. Life feels incredibly sweet. Then, out of the blue, her strong, vibrant fiancé is diagnosed with cancer. The prognosis is grim. With raw emotion, Peggy describes how she cared for the love of her life and proceeded with their wedding plans, all while fearing his death.
In this memoir, you will witness a journey of love and gratitude, where even a cup of hazelnut coffee can bring joy during the darkest of days. And just when Peggy feels that she cannot fathom another loss, life slaps her with another unexpected blow. Mourn and laugh as Peggy takes you on her journey, sharing lessons she learned through her own grieving process. Despite the sadness, Peggy’s book offers hope, humor, inspiration, and a poignant love story that will lift your spirits with promise, helping you believe there is more to this life than you can see and that love never dies.